
RosssealsarethesmallestsealsoftheAntarcticregion,withathickneckandaslenderbody.Membersofthisspecieshaveshortbodyhairs,withthe ...,2021年9月20日—RosssealshavethelargesteyesofallAntarcticsealsmeasuredagainsttheirbodies.Butlittleisknownabouttheirdivinghabits.Withtheir ...,TheRossseal(Ommatophocarossii)isatrueseal(familyPhocidae)witharangeconfinedentirelytothepackiceofAntarctica.,TheRossseal(Ommat...

ADW: Ommatophoca rossii

Ross seals are the smallest seals of the Antarctic region, with a thick neck and a slender body. Members of this species have short body hairs, with the ...

Chasing the mysterious Ross seal in Antarctica

2021年9月20日 — Ross seals have the largest eyes of all Antarctic seals measured against their bodies. But little is known about their diving habits. With their ...

Ommatophoca rossii (Ross seal)

The Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii) is a true seal (family Phocidae) with a range confined entirely to the pack ice of Antarctica.

Ross seal

The Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii) is a true seal (family Phocidae) with a range confined entirely to the pack ice of Antarctica. It is the only species of ...

Ross Seal (Ommatophoca rossii)

The Ross seal specialises in feeding on cephalopods, particularly squid. It is possibly this specialisation and the relative lack of cephalopods in the ...

Ross Seal Facts and Information

Ross seals look different than other seals. They have a smaller, wider head, and a short snout. They also have a small mouth and the shortest hair of any seal.

Ross seal

Ross seal, (Ommatophoca rossi), Antarctic seal of the family Phocidae. It has a short face, very large eyes, and coarse fur that is greenish gray above with ...

Ross Seal

由 LA Hückstädt 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 1 次 — Ross seals are the smallest and rarest of the four species of Antarctic phocids, but they are conspicuous and easy to identify. They have countershaded coloring ...